Habits & Routines

Simple Morning Routine to Lose Weight

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If you want to lose weight, having a healthy morning routine can make all the difference.

How do you start your morning?

In chaos?


Starting a morning routine doesn’t have to be complicated.

In fact, my morning routine started at only 6 minutes, and that’s what we are going to chat about today:

The 6 Minute Miracle Morning from the book The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod (check out the book on Amazon CA/ Amazon US).

Sometimes it could be overwhelming to just add all these things to your life, and spend all this time on it, which is why Hal says the 6-minute morning routine is a great way to start.

This little morning routine helped me escape getting woken up in chaos, and turn my morning into a peaceful day.

I started by setting my alarm 10 minutes earlier than I thought the kids would get up so I could enjoy my coffee in peace.

This little morning routine to lose weight came into play when I heard about the acronym S.A.V.E.R.S. and the 6-minute morning:

  1. Silence
  2. Affirmations
  3. Visualization
  4. Exercise
  5. Reading
  6. Scribbling

Silence (Minute 1)

The first S in S.A.V.E.R.S. stands for silence.

So basically for one minute, you’re going to sit down, close your eyes, and appreciate the silence.

This teaches you how to sit with your thoughts and emotions, building a stronger mindset that will help you on your weight loss journey.

Myself, I started by focusing on gratitude and appreciation, but silence can also be a prayer or anything like that as well.

As you sit in silence, you’re totally present in the now, in the moment. You calm your mind, relax your body, and allow all of your stress to melt away. You develop a deeper sense of peace, purpose, and direction…

Hal Elrod

If you are a mom, you know how valuable sitting in silence can be, am I right? lol

Ok, on to minute 2…

Affirmations (Minute 2)

In minute 2, I get my affirmation cards and pick a card for the day. After I draw my affirmation cards, I’ll sit down, hold it, I’ll close my eyes and I’ll just think about it.

You can do something like this, or choose your own affirmations that relate to you. Make sure to choose affirmations that motivate you to take massive imperfect action toward your dream life.

Affirmations that remind you of your unlimited potential and your most important priorities; that energizes you to take the actions necessary to live the life you truly want, deserve, and now know is possible…

Hal Elrod
Some of my favorite affirmations include:

     ▪️  I am strong, confident, and capable.
     ▪️  I release all criticism and negative self-talk.
     ▪️  I am worthy of love and acceptance exactly as I am.

Visualization (Minute 3)

Visualization will help you build excitement every day in your wellness journey.

I’ll think about my goals for the day, my intentions, and how I want the day to unfold and I just visualize it.

I have my vision written out in story form, and also as 10 “dreams I made happen”. This is what I look at every morning to visualize the life I want to build and feel it in the moment.

You close your eyes, or you look at your vision board, and you visualize. You see what it will look like, you feel what it will feel like, and you experience the joy of what you will create…

Hal Elrod
I do have a vision board template from Canva if you are interested in making your own. It is a 16x20 page you can add all your graphics to, then get printed so you can look at it every day. 

Check out the free resource library here!!!

Exercise (Minute 4)

Though you may think exercise is the driving force of our morning routine to lose weight, without all the work to fill your cup, discipline will be hard to come by.

This will make it very hard to create habits that stick.

Anywho, exercise I usually keep until the end, but just get up do a stretch, jog in the spot for one minute, or go out and do a walk around the block.

It doesn’t have to be anything crazy to start. Just something to get the blood moving, and wake you up…

Getting your heart rate up and getting energized and waking yourself up and increasing your ability to be alert and to focus.

Hal Elrod
Thats that best part of the platform I use for wellness is that they have little 5 minute stretches, 10 minute workouts, 15-20 minute workouts, 30 minutes, and all the way up to an hour (when you're ready to add more time).

So even if you want something more than just a minute, it's got you covered...

Check out the free resource library here!!!

Reading (Minute 5)

Alrighty, on to minute 5, reading.

Personal development is the cornerstone to reaching your weight loss goals. The only thing that is going to hold you back is YOU.

Your own brain has been conditioned to fear change since way back in the cavemen days when change was met with sabertooth tigers around every corner.

But by picking up a book every day and reading for a minute you can build up your mindset, and also learn some new things.

Learn a new idea, something that you can implement into your day, or discover something new that you can use to feel better—to be better.

Hal Elrod
Some of my other favorites include:

▪️ The 5AM Club by Robin Sharma (Amazon CA/ Amazon US)
▪️ The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy (Amazon CA/ Amazon US)
▪️ The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins (Amazon CA/ Amazon US)

Check out my book recomendation page here for more.

Scribble (Minute 6)

Ok, so last but not least, scribble.

What I do is before I forget anything I learned in my book from the previous step, I “scribble it down in my journal”.

I also write down the “dreams I made come true”, from the visualization step, to solidify them in my mind. This way my goals and vision are always at the forefront of my mind.

Take a minute to write down what you’re grateful for, proud of, and the results you’re committed to for that day. Doing so, you put yourself in an empowered, an inspired, and confident state of mind.

Hal Elrod
Here are some journal prompts for you to try:

     ▪️  What am I grateful for today?
     ▪️  What worked well yesterday?
     ▪️  What am I going to work on for today?

Adding More Time

Just because a morning routine starts at 6 minutes, doesn’t mean it has to stay there. When you feel like you are ready to add more time, DO IT!

This is what propelled me to get a 30-minute workout, 5 days a week, and the discipline to keep going and reaching for my goals.

So you can start with 6 minutes, do each step for one minute, then whichever aspect you like the best, you can add more time in.

For example, in the exercise step I do more than one minute now, but when I started I literally just got up and stretched or walked around my complex. You can add in a longer movement session, write for longer in your journal, or read for longer.

So there you have it. the six steps I follow for my morning routine.


Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, and Scribbling.

All of these will stack the positivity so it can flow into the rest of your day, and fill your cup to allow you to get out of your comfort zone in this weight loss game.

Challenge, Recipes, & Habit Tracker Too

I did a Morning Routine Challenge in my free community (in the guide section). You can join the community, and grab the little habit tracker mentioned, in the Free Resource Library.

Some things in the resource library now:

  • Tracker & Coloring Sheets For Kids
  • 25 Healthy Recipes Ebook
  • 21 Day Health Habit Tracker
  • 14+ Full-Length Workouts
  • 15 Kids Snack Recipes
  • Free Community
  • And So Much More…

Check out the free resource library here!!!

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