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My Weight Loss Transformation (2 months)

My first weight loss transformation, the one that changed it all… in just 2 short months.

That put me back on MY radar.

  1. A Little Backstory
  2. The Triggering Event
  3. My Transformation
  4. What Happened Next

A little backstory on my 2 month weight loss transformation journey…

I always remembered being an active person; in dance, gymnastics, show choir, etc. But as soon as I grew up and hit the real world I turned to food and began eating…a lot. Well let’s be honest here, high school was no joke and of course, that’s when my emotional eating started, but being a little active like I was it never really caught up to me until university.

University & stress… food, food, food… Starting a family and raising kids… food, food, food… Postpartum depression & anxiety… food, food, food 🍔🍕🍟

This, combined with nightly wine or beer 🍺🍷 and very little activity – I was a server so the only activity I got was at work, and with the kids, I didn’t work very much as it was. Then, I would just binge-watch shows on Netflix or any marathon that was happening on actual tv snacking on chips, takeout, candy, or chocolate (or some combination of all of it 😳)

Couch Potato 🛋️+🥔=🙋‍♀️

This led me to a point where I did not recognize the person in the mirror…

Always turning to food and not taking care of myself and had gotten me too well over 200 lbs, I stopped looking at the scale after 228…

I would manage to lose some weight here and there, by trying fad diets and starving myself with intermittent fasting, and whatever… but the stress and anxiety would creep back in (you know bills and everyday crap) and I went back to food …and before I knew it I was back up about to cross the 200 mark… AGAIN…

Which got me stressed and anxious again… food, food, food 🍔🍕🍟

I lived this way for about 8 years… it is all such a blur … I literally remember nothing… It is like my life was on autopilot and I was just on the carousel watching things go by.

But not really “watching” because I was on autopilot trying to be a good mom, wife, friend, house cleaner, laundry doer, food maker, blah, blah, blah …

But the carousel never stops turning 🎠

Yes, I just quoted Greys Anatomy lol… where my greys fans at?

All jokes aside, it’s true…

Life keeps going, and going, and going…

I got so caught up in life and trying to control everything and do everything, and be everything, and everyday life that I never looked up… I’m tearing up as I write that…


On top of that, I never even knew this was happening until one day MONTHS later…

The Triggering Event

I remember being at work, hating life because I was at my soul-sucking job (it was the night of Feb 2, before this whole Covid-19 pandemic) and I got a text…

My beautiful friend who had been fighting her ass off trying to survive breast cancer for the last 2 years had been brought into palliative care, that was it, her fight was over… shocked but not shocked, and sad… so sad… I finished my shift and went home.

The next morning, I went to Facebook looking for more news on the matter (I do not live close to home anymore so I was looking around) I saw this meme in my news feed…

I finally realized what had been happening for the last 8 years of my life… I’d been on autopilot “collecting stones” and NOT LOOKING UP!

I received the news a little while later she had passed. In this scenario, my beautiful friend was the diamond.

How many diamonds have I already missed out on while I’ve been stone collecting?

How many more diamonds will I miss out on if I don’t start looking up now? I knew I needed to make a shift… 

To change, for me, for my family… to make sure not to “lose any more diamonds”…

I read a couple of self-help books and did some all-natural stuff, which was getting me on the right path, but nothing really clicked. But I still felt like crap… I hated everyone, and everything, including my job, and was just anxious, angry, and stressed all the time…

So what did I do?

I ate.

Remember, for me… Stress & anxiety = food, food, food 🍔🍕🍟

Later that week, I was sulking, having a tantrum, and yelling at everyone because I was disappointed in myself for failing, yet again. So much so that I actually tipped over a chair in my bedroom that ended up knocking the mirror off my wall and it smashed all over the floor…

My husband cleaned up my mess, while I continued to have my tantrum, and quietly walked out 😬😳 Pretty sure he thought I was crazy… I thought I was for sure… but I knew something had to change or I was going to end up … who knows… definitely not in a good place.

It was time to stop the pity party, get my shit together, and get off this autopilot.

I Was Sick Of Being Sick & Tired

I did a little research and decided my best bet to get started was to quit paying for the gym membership I have been paying monthly NOT TO USE for the last 2 years 💸, and start something I could do from home since I was unmotivated to leave the house…

… little did I know it would be exactly what I never knew I needed in my life.

Weight Loss Transformation 2 months

For the last little while, I transformed my mind, body, and my soul as well…

I did 40 classes (from the comfort of my own bedroom with 10-30 minute videos might I add), each video more motivating & uplifting than the next. After 8 weeks of my program, I lost 8 lbs & 12.5 inches…

Did I reach my goal? 

No. Not yet… 


I’m always progressing… every day… and if I do shitty one day, I know I can just let it go, move on, and do better next time. But that is only the tip of the iceberg!

I learned something soooooo much more valuable: 

You are capable of so much more than you think!

Something that stuck with me since I heard it in one of the home workouts…


What Happened Next

I fell so completely in love with how I felt, I found out every aspect of this beautiful company that introduced me to its life-changing tools, and products.

Check out Part 2 in this post here: Why I became A Coach, or read on below to find out how you can work with me.

Want Your Own Weight Loss Transformation in 2 Months?

I’m taking a few people under my wing in our community and business mentorship. You can do this all from the comfort of your home. We will all support each other and of course, I’ll be there to guide you as your coach.

I’m looking for women who are DONE WITH EXCUSES and want to improve their life in EVERY way; Mindset, Heartset, Healthset, Family Life…

It has improved every aspect of my life

Reach out and take the step, if you commit to joining the crew, it will be one of the best decisions you have ever made, learn more here!

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